Thursday, 20 December 2012



Having done many diy things in the past and needed to ask questions about things i thought i would start a group on facebook so people can ask questions about anything DIY related and here it is

Feel free to invite your friends as its an open group for anyone and everyone +Do It Yourself Projects 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Computer quality guide

Computer quality guide

You tend to get what you pay for with cheap computers, they do the job now but they wont last long as in they wont be able to keep up as technology advances. The key is to get good quality hardware, software is all optional, if you start with good quality and good spec hardware your computer will cope now and in the future to a certain extent. At a guestimation a good spec computer should not struggle at all for 3-5 years, and in later years it would begin to struggle.

For those of you who dont know what the difference between hardware and software is, I will make it clear. Harware is the physical components inside a computer, all those chip boards and things inside. Software is things like the operating system e.g. windows 8, programs such as open office, photoshop and games etc.

Picking good hardware minimises the chances of faults with your computer, im talking hardware faults and not faults like with your operating system or a program or game you have put on your computer. Computer crashes are generally software related although they can be related to hardware too. A poor quality or lower spec piece of hardware may seemingly work perfect but is picky with certain software causing it to crash.

Operating systems now we have windows 8 ive not tried it yet but been told its like having a mobile phone with loads of different apps, very unlike versions of windows before this latest one. I am running windows 7 and im happy with it, combined with my good quality hardware i have had very little issues with this operating system so ill be keeping it for some time yet.

As for windows 8 im not really interested in getting it yet, I used to get BETA versions of operating systems which are versions released for testing before they go on sale. I gave up on doing this after over a decade of doing so and decided I would wait until at least service pack 1 update is available. This way it means the operating system has been out for some time and had several updates so most of the problems people have had will have been resolved.

There's no such thing as perfect operating system for a computer or even a mobile phone but there are some good ones out there. Microsoft have pretty much ruled the market for years with very little competition, but recently with new developments of mobile phone operating systems and apple getting better and better they now have quite a bit more competition. Mobile phones seem to be leaning a lot towards computers as in they can do a lot of things a pc can do.

Microsoft have the best compatibility which is what most people want and thats why most computers available are with Microsoft operating systems. Its difficult to get competing operating systems to be compatiable with software. software applied onto a computer is made up of a code which is unique to work with specific operating systems and most software, games and apps companies tend to only make things compatible with operating systems that are widely used.

I think Microsoft will always rule in this department but who knows this may change in the future, it seems they are making mobile phone operating systems now to compete with the competition which i think is android operating systems for mobile phones. Microsoft seem to have picked up on the mobile operating system thing a bit late and theres already plenty of well established operating system providers in the market.

To sumarise things, when you buy a computer get good quality hardware and as high a spec as you can afford. Never go for the cheap deals as you will end up disappointed and possibly replacing it again sooner than you think. As an example you spend £599.99 on a good computer which will last you maybe 3-5 years or even longer or spend £299.99 on a computer which will probably last you 2-3 years before struggling and you may decide to buy another around the same price(prices are guess work only).

Smart spending smart thinking! +Hewlett Packard +Dell +PCWorld +Currys PC World

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Household gas

We have GAS!!

I saw on the news today that there is drilling going on in Lancashire as they appear to have found vast quantities of gas. This is very good news for us because as i mentioned in a previous post, at the moment we are buying gas from the Russians. I dont know if it will be enough to keep us going for the coming years but its definitely a good start and hopefully it can be pumped into the grid as soon as possible.

+SWALEC +British Gas +uSwitch

Friday, 14 December 2012

Petrol and diesel gone down in price

I have noticed the prices have gone down for petrol and diesel, locally in asda its 128.7 for petrol and 135.7 for diesel. lets hope it stays this low.

While im on the subject theres a website that you can choose to check prices at all petrol stations in the uk, if you register you will get email updates. +BP Global +Shell +Texaco Fuel Cards

Friday, 7 December 2012

Fuel prices petrol diesel and gas

Fuel prices

As we all know fuel prices are very high here in Britain but there's some things some of us don't know. Petrol for instance as well as diesel is 70% tax so we are paying a stupid amount of money for fuel for our vehicles and most of it is tax. Gas has to be bought in and we buy it from the Russians, they basically have a gun to our head because if we don't pay the price for gas then we cant really get it anywhere else.

Diesel specific

These days there is a lot more diesel being used than there was many years ago so the demand has increased a considerable amount. I think its firstly to do with the price of fuel and secondly most modern diesels perform as well if not better than its petrol equivalent. Diesel is cheaper to produce than petrol so is cheaper to make but we get stung with higher price than petrol, i am not sure why this is but it is what it is.

Gas Specific

If we stopped buying gas from the Russians and didn't buy any more in we only have limited reserves. These reserves would last about 5 weeks which isnt long at all. Gas cant be stored for a very long time so has a short lifespan, which i think is why theres not a bigger amount stored because it needs to be used.

+Fair fuel prices

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Ceiling paint matt white

Ceiling paint matt white emulsion

It is a good idea to keep ceilings in a matt white colour, the reason for this is that its easy to touch up. say you get some marks on the ceiling for some reason you can paint over just the part you need to (1 or 2 coats) just stick a coat on, it will look rubbish until its fully dry, once its fully dry it will blend in to the rest of the ceiling.

Matt white tends not to leave brush marks like silk emulsion providing you don't put it on too thick. Unfortunately most matt paints you cant clean but top ups are easy so its worth considering matt for other colours on walls etc providing your prepared to do patch work when needed. This method should work with most colours. +White Paint

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Motorised rotary washing line

Motorised rotary washing line

I have had this idea for a while now and there's many ways to make a rotary washing line move around to dry your clothes quicker especially in area's with little breeze. It could be powered by solar power and a battery to store energy and/or wind power if you do have breezes or powered by electricity.

Not sure what to do about my idea though i dont have the resources to develop it but im sure its a product that would be welcomed by many providing the cost wasn't too expensive compared to a non motorised rotary washing line. +Rotary Washingline